Heads of Departments

WFL Publisher is a well known science publisher and we are interested in collaborating with directors of schools, institutes, universities, researh centers, department heads, project leaders, libraries, bookstores or distributors. Our drive is to give exposure to students, researchers or academicians working within your establishment to the skills needed for research reporting or publication among other vital things. It is proven that a good project report or any scientific contribution is characterized by quality, integrity, and ethical research writing. The impact and implication of conducting a research for the advancement of student scientific skills, careers and the scientific community at large are inevitable.

Other activities like scientific meeting(s), symposium(s) or workshop(s) on specific themes give students or researchers the opportunities to get more familiar or acquainted with scientific events. Our key interest is to motivate them to show their know-how, to develop viable skills and be able to present their own recent research findings. We, therefore, call you to partner with the WFL Publisher Limited. Below are some areas we have identified for cooperation, however, if there are other areas you would like us to develop together, kindly let us know. We are open to innovations or suggestions.

We are ready and willing to:

  • Collaborate in your R&D programmes.
  • Help bridge the gap that exists between authors and publisher.
  • Help you to edit or publish your own scientific contribution(s).
  • Encourage students, young researchers or scientists to publish their Master’s or PhD thesis.
  • Host and assist students, scientists or academicians to do traineeship, prepare part of their thesis, research work or any related scientific publication activity.
  • Advertise your upcoming scientific meetings, conferences or events on the WFL Publisher website (with the possibility to publish well written papers in the special Journals issue.
  • Help you to improve any identified non-standards manuscripts being submitted by your departments and how you can improve the quality on the overall output.
  • Encourage rigorous peer review within your own departments before the final submission of papers for publication into scientific journals.

We are inviting you, your colleagues, students or researchers, to submite contributions to the Journal by submitting original research papers or articles that illustrate experimental research results, review articles, projects or industrial experimental results (See manuscript submission page).

We also invite experts or senior scientists to join the reviewing or editorial board of the Journal.

We welcome new journal proposals (see details here). The proposals should include; a new journal title, general information, aims and scope, and target audience.


For more details, please contact our office.

Recommend our publications (journal or book) to your library, colleagues or to the Ministry of Higher Education of your country and have them included in their database.