Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
An assessment of selected methods in environmental pollution control
I.A. Oke 1*,
J.A. Otun 2, D.B. Adie 2Recieved Date: 2008-09-17, Accepted Date: 2008-12-28
Abstract:BOD kinetic parameters are essential ingredients in the design and selections of biological treatment plants, indicating that accurate and reliable kinetics parameters are required. This paper presents a statistical evaluation and reliability of selected methods for parameters in BOD kinetics. Domestic-institutional wastewaters were collected weekly for three months. BODs at different days were determined using standard equipment and methods. The BOD for the first 5 days of each of the wastewater samples was used for the kinetic parameters determination using non-linear regression, least squares, Thomas, two points, Fujimoto, Rapid-ratio, logarithms difference and daily difference methods. Statistical evaluation (total error, coefficient of determination, ANOVA and model of selection criterion) and reliability estimation were carried out. Results of the study revealed that average total error for the non-linear regression, least squares, Thomas, Fujimoto, ratio, logarithms difference, two-points and daily difference methods were 16.68, 64.94, 82.38, 1036.25, 992.42, 18.13, 123.2 and 65.96 with MSC and reliability of 8.77 and 0.998; 6.33 and 0.976; 5.16 and 0.954; 0.60 and 0.584; 0.69 and 0.596; 8.40 and 0.997; 4.38 and 0.955; 5.67 and 0.977 respectively. It was concluded that non-linear regression, logarithms difference, least squares, Thomas and daily difference methods are valuable at higher confidence levels.
pollution control measures, BOD kinetic parameters, statistical evaluationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 186-191
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