Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Organic bazaar consumers in India: A case study of the IIRD, India, Aurangabad
Abhay Joshi*,
Koichi HiokiRecieved Date: 2012-01-12, Accepted Date: 2012-04-29
Abstract:The objective of this research was to understand how demographic variables relate to peoples decision-making concerning the purchase of organic foods in India. Indias economy has rapidly and significantly expanded since the 1990s. Accompanying this economic growth is the great impact that changes in demographic variables have had on purchasing behavior. Changes in income, social status and family structures influence peoples attitudes towards organic foods; and more and more people have a high awareness of food safety and demand pesticide-free organic foods in India. This study clearly demonstrates how demographic variables, such as educational attainment, cost of organic products, number of visits to weekly organic bazaar and economic recession affect the development of domestic organic markets and peoples purchasing behavior regarding organic foods in India.
Keywords:Organic farming,
organic market, consumers in India, demographic variableJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 103-106
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