Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Strategic issues on the development of the civil service system in the era of globalization towards environmental sustainability


Sudirman Shomary 1, Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria 2, Zuliskandar Ramli 3, Muhammad Rizal Razman 4*

Recieved Date: 2016-03-03, Accepted Date: 2016-09-12


Civil service in public organizations (public service) is one of the functions of government, become a benchmark of the performance of government officials seen from his loyalty to give satisfaction to the consumer (society), leadership, and organization (state) without thinking of the size of remuneration acquired. High and low performance of public organizations is strongly influenced by the culture of paternalism, which is still very strong and tends to encourage public officials to be more oriented organizations on power rather than service, placing himself as ruler and treat the users as objects of care services that require assistance. In addition, low performance also caused by a power-sharing system that tends to be concentrated on the leadership because of the bureaucratic structure that is hierarchical encourage the concentration of power and authority in the boss so that employees of public organizations are directly related to service users which often do not have adequate powers to respond to the evolving dynamics in the provision of services. Civil service itself has immense components. In Indonesia, the civil service is regulated in the state constitution. There are twelve components of the civil service mandated based on the Act of 1945, namely (1) the value of citizens’ rights listed in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, (2) the right to independence, (3) the freedom to choose, (4) the right for autonomy, ( 5) justice, (6) together, (7) legal certainty, (8) the right to work and a decent life, (9) freedom of association, (10) freedom of religion, (11) the right to teaching, (12) the right promotion culture, (13) the right to prosperity and (14) the maintenance of the poor and neglected children. Refering to these components, it is understood that the civil service can not be privatized. Civil service stand as the backbone of all of the units in the government which include executive, legislative and judicial for the public administration on development and environmental safety in order to achieve environmental sustainability.


Civil service, public organizations, the culture of paternalism, power-sharing system, environmental sustainability

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 85-90

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