Submission of Manuscript

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE)
Print ISSN: 1459-0255  /  Online ISSN: 1459-0263


The scientific Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) provides a platform for the dissemination of information on all aspects related to food, health, agriculture & environmental sciences (read more). 


Only manuscripts written in English are accepted. All abstracts and contents of JFAE are freely available in the web for subscriber. However, non-subscribers have access to the abstracts only. Subscribers can read, downloaded and print digital files freely for their academic and personal use. For policies not stated in this instruction, can be read on our terms and conditions for the submission of manuscripts.


We extend our invitation for you to contribute to manuscripts on original research work, take critical or short reviews in food science, nutrition, health, agriculture and environment to the Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. The journal also considers manuscripts on biotechnology, ethical and socioeconomic issues related to modern agricultural or environmental sciences (read more). The Journal offers advertisement space for special announcements, conferences, events or employment opportunities. The list below are the contributions we can accept:


1.Research articles (full length)
2.Review articles
3.Short communications
4.Letters to the Editors, Views or Opinions
5.Correspondences (reports on seminars, workshops etc.)


WFL Publisher offers an occasional free online access to the JFAE. We encourage scientists, experts or students to cite articles published in JFAE as much as possible, while submitting articles to JFAE, as well as to other journals (read more). This will enhance indexing, retrieval power and eliminate the need for permission to reproduce or distribute contents.


You can read the information below:
Writing instructions
Article Submission Process


Note: Authors should send their manuscript to at least two external reviewers before submitting them to our journal. You have to attach the decisions or comments of the reviewers of your manuscripts.The full name and address(es) including the emails of the two reviewers must be mentioned in the letter.

Any non-reviewed manuscript, which is inadequately or incorrectly prepared manuscript will be rejected. At least two native English speaker scientists or language specialists must check the manuscript.

Submitted manuscripts that do not conform to the JFAE instructions will not be considered. A reference code is assigned to each manuscript accepted for publication in the JFAE. We will make contact with the corresponding Author, only.

What to do when submitting an article?


A. Before submitting your manuscript:

  • Send a short abstract with some key words by email.


B. Please follow the bellow given instructions, carefully:

  • Send your full manuscript to two or three experts for thorough review.
  • Make all corrections according to reviewers’ comments.
  • You can send your manuscript by email (attached file), however you should specify in the subject of the email the section under which your article belongs as indicated below:


Article – Food and Health Section      or       Article – Agriculture Section      or      Article – Environment Section


You may send us the corrected and improved version of your article saved on a CD, by registered airmail. Your article must include the original illustrations such as graphs, figures and tables (make sure that all symbols, characters, equations or graphs are properly written).
Please use 300 dpi to 600 dpi when scanning your photos or graphs to avoid poor printing quality. Kindly reduce the size of your file. Please always include the original version of illustrations and mention the complete and correct references.


C.  Documents to include when submitting your manuscript:

  • A transmittal letter should accompany the manuscript (sent by email or by airmail), where the author may specify the full name and the mailing addresses of reviewers who have re-examined the manuscript.
  • Three or more potential referees including their complete addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and areas of expertise.
  • Online Submission of Manuscript
  • Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be informed by email, only. The author will be asked to sign the copyright form and pay the publication fees before the deadline.
  • Please send us the complete postal and email addresses. We cannot re-send the same journal twice.


D: Note

  • Our office must receive the signed copyright and the publication fees before the manuscript goes for print. Please make sure that the requested documents are timely received in order to avoid delay in publication of your article. Afterwards, we will send a free copy of the journal  to the corresponding Author(only) by email.
  • Co-authors are cordially invited to purchase a copy of the journal or reprints or their own manuscript.


E: Print  flyers from the link below

  • Please download and display the circular of the JFAE  (Book-and-Journal-Flyers) in your office, library, department, institute, university, laboratory, or unit.
  • Kindly print the flyers and distribute them to participants in conferences, meetings or courses. You may also keep the flyers on the desks of the meeting places, your libraries or departments. This will give more opportunities to students and scientists to have access to our services.
  • To promote the scientific work, we invite researchers, scientists; authors and students to cite and report all abstracts published in this site (with references such as JFAE Vol, issue, page number, year, Publisher’s name, and the link of the page), in other scientific sites,  Google science,  Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, in meetings and academic forums.


Only accepted manuscripts will be published between three and six  months.