
WFL Publisher has made available the relevant informations necessary for the publishing of your books with us. If you have great ideas or book proposals, do not hesitate to reach our publishing editor in your interested subject area, who will in turn get back to you on how to move forward. The script guidelines will give will details on preparing the chapters / book in the best way possible.

WFL Publisher has access to a worldwide audience of scientists, authors, writters, readers, and science freaks in all subject areas in the field of science.  Our compilation of journals are very extensive and available online for subcscribers. As consistent with our passion, we advocate for the spread of knowledge through the vehicles of publications and books which are often a better place for the presentation of a full publication. Interestingly, this is the right time to keep the education and scientific world up to date with new trends and development in different subjects areas. WFL has a team that knows the benefit this could bring and tries to make publication relatively low priced and easy.

Affirmatively, we are experts in the publication of relevant and professional write-ups with state-of-the-art technology so as to make them available globally efficiently and effectively. We do publish online monographs, book volumes or details of conference preceedings. Some of our e-publications are available online, material can be sent by email or accessed freely from time to time.

WFL books are subjected to high level peer-review, production and publishing processes.

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