Subject Areas
Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (JFAE)
The scientific journal, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) accepts original research, reviews or short notes. This journal gives an excellent opportunity to researchers, lecturers, students or experts to publish their research work or achievements (instructions to Author). Only accepted manuscripts will be published within a short period of time, that is three to six months. It is highly recommended that articles addresses at least two of the major categories listed below, i.e., food or health, and agricultural sciences or agricultural and environmental sciences, etc. Experts in the respective fields will review all articles. Authors must focus on the scope of the journal.We invite scientists to suggest new sub-sections.
You can act as an editor or form a team of assistant editors in the same subsection. Find below the current subject areas and the sub-sections under them. You can also access the names of our editors and assistants on the editorial board page. We welcome proposals for a new journal (Submit a journal proposal).
Journal subject areas
I.Food & Health
IV.Human Dimensions
V.General Services
Journal subject areas and subsections:
I. Food & Health
- Human nutrition and health promotion
- Sensory and nutritive quality of food
- Food chemistry and biochemistry
- Food biotechnology
- Food microbiology
- Food processing and engineering
- Post harvest science and technology
- Food safety and toxicology
- Food contamination
- Food commodities and designer foods
- Food policy and consumer
- Food Chemistry
- Food Engineering and Physical Properties
- Food Flavorings
- Food Microbiology and Safety
- Food Packing and Storage
- Food Preservation
- Food Toxicology
- Food and Consumer Issues
- Food Chemistry
- Food Culture
- Food Engineering and Technology
- Forestry, Food Science and Technology
- Food Health and Nutrition
- Food History
- Food Industry Development
- Food Policy and Practices
- Food Processing
- Food Safety
- Chemical Food Safety
- Nanoscale Food Science
- Sensory and Food Quality
- Animal health and nutrition
- Related topics
II. Agriculture
- Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- Agriculture and Environment
- Agriculture History
- Agricultural machinery
- Agricultural extension
- Agricultural development
- Agricultural economics
- Agricultural Marketing
- Agricultural Finance and Business Management
- Agricultural Genetic and Microbiology
- Agro physics
- Agricultural Industry Issues
- Apiculture
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Microbiology
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Engineering and Technology
- Enzymology and Enzyme Engineering
- Fermentation Technology
- Nutrition
- Microbiology
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Agronomy
- Animal Sciences
- Aquaculture
- Biochemistry
- Biomass and Bio-energy and Energy crops
- Bioremediation
- Biotechnology
- Genomics, Genetic engineering
- Irrigation, Microbial biotechnology
- Molecular Biology
- Crop Science
- Crop botany
- Crop physiology
- Crop and Pasture
- Crop Scouting
- Energy Agriculture
- Entomology
- Environmental technology and Food security
- Fermentation Technology
- Fish and Fisheries
- Precision Agriculture and Data Handling
- Rehabilitation, Plant Pathology
- Poultry Science
- Post-Harvest Biology
- Plant Breeding
- Dairy Science
- Seed Science Research
- Organic Farming
- Sustainability Issues
- Sustainable agriculture
- Morphology, Organic Agriculture
- Horticulture, Institutional and Policy Issues
- Crop and livestock production and management
- Plant nutrient management and soil fertility
- Irigation water management
- Waste water management
- Rainwater and crop planning/ management
- Plant breeding and genetics
- Biotechnology
- Biodiversity and genetic resources
- Plant physiology and molecular biology
- Plant protection and pest management
- Animal science
- IT application in agriculture
- Related topics
III. Environment
- Environmental Hydrology
- Forestry, Freshwater Science
- Rural Economy and Development
- Sensory and Consumer Sciences
- Pesticide Science
- Physiology, Plant Sciences
- Water Resources
- Weed Biology
- Soil Science
- Stored Products
- Tree Fruit Production
- Veterinary, Virology, Viticulture
- Vegetable Production and Management
- Agro- ecology and sustainability of cropping systems
- Natural resources management
- Environmental protection
- Environmental contamination and monitoring
- Biodiversity
- Sustainable agriculture
- Agriculture and wildlife
- Bioenergy crops
- Soil and water quality
- Related topics
IV. Human dimensions
- Poverty and hunger
- Food relief and development programmes
- Food and international security
- Social dimensions of food preference
- Economics and politics of food policies
- Urban food systems
- Related topics
V. General services
- A special JFAE issue (online version) of a specific meeting or conference.
- Abstracts from meetings, symposiums, conferences etc.
- Book reviews.
- Announcement of a new project(s).
- Announcements and employment opportunities.
- Advertisement.