Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 6, Issue 3&4,2008
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Assessment of some microbiological and chemical properties of Lor whey cheese


Gurhan Ciftcioglu 1, M. Emin Erkan 2, Aydin Vural 2 *, Harun Aksu 1

Recieved Date: 2008-05-08, Accepted Date: 2008-09-05


It has been aimed to evaluate some microbiological and chemical properties of Lor, which is a traditional Turkish whey cheese, in order to compare and assess legal limits for final product quality. Mean microbiological and chemical analyze results of 50 unpackaged Lor samples were 8 log cfu/g for total mesophylic aerobic bacteria, 4 log cfu/g for coliform bacteria, 3 log cfu/g for E. coli, 7 log cfu/g for lactic acid bacteria, 6 log cfu/g for enterococci, 5 log cfu/g for coagulase positive staphylococci, 5 log cfu/g for yeast and mould counts and 31.24% for dry substances, 12.69% for protein, 7.35% for fat, 2.21% for salt, 4.28% for ash, 0.59 for titratable acidity and 4.90 for pH value. Samples have been divided four groups against low/high salt concentrations and high/low moisture contents. Microbiological properties of selected samples have been assessed against their salt concentrations and moisture content. As a conclusion, some chemical limits, which were mainly salt and moisture content, have been suggested for whey cheese properties in order to support future legislative studies and safety margins for this product.


Lor whey cheese properties, standardization, microbiology, chemical composition

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2008
Volume: 6
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 109-113

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