Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Phenolic compounds evolution in white grapes during artificial drying process
M. Teresa Frangipane *,
Marina Contini, Gabriele Anelli, Riccardo MassantiniRecieved Date: 2009-09-08, Accepted Date: 2010-01-02
Abstract:Dried grapes are used to produce dessert wines, with a high amount of sugar, fragrance, extractive substances and glycerine. A forced air technology for grape drying was used on a white grape variety, and it was compared to traditional grape wilting. The results showed a quicker grape drying with the artificial dehydration in comparison with grapes dried with natural ventilation. Moreover, artificially dried grapes maintained a higher phenolic concentration than those naturally wilted, which ensures a high protection against oxidation and the production of wines with good organoleptic properties.
Keywords:Dried grapes,
phenolic compounds, drying processJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 49-53
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