Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Protein-starch interaction and their effect on thermal and rheological characteristics of a food system: A review
B. Jamilah,
A. Mohamed *, K. A. Abbas, R. Abdul Rahman, R. Karim, D. M. HashimRecieved Date: 2009-01-07, Accepted Date: 2009-04-13
Abstract:This review paper is aiming to highlight the interaction between protein and starch in a food system and its effect on thermal and rheological properties of the food product of such model. Accordingly, an intensive and comprehensive search has been done on many scattered published papers with special emphasis with the latest development in this regard. The paper summarized the effect of thermal treatment, the variation of rheological properties, differential scanning calorimetry as an important and effective measurement tool, effect of starch-protein-water interaction on the properties of the system as well as examples of using some starches in such systems. This review revealed that the thermal treatment had great effects on the rheological properties of the system. This study will help the food technologists to design the processing operations by which the final characteristics of any such food mixture can be predicted.
Keywords:Protein-starch interaction,
gelatinization, thermal behaviourJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 169-174
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