Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 7, Issue 2,2009
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Utilization of gestagen hormones and pituitary FSH extracts in inducing the superovulation at embryo donor cows


Ioan Petroman 1*, Nicolae Păcală 2, Cornelia Petroman 1, Ioan Bencsik 2, Manuela-Dora Orboi 3, Dorel Dronca 2, Adrian Băneş 4

Recieved Date: 2009-01-04, Accepted Date: 2009-04-10


The embryo transfer is a reproduction biotechnology that includes the induction of superovulation of the donor females, the embryo recovery and their transfer in the uterus of receptor females. The efficiency of the embryo transfer depends on the results obtained in the superovulatory treatments. The variability of the ovary reaction to induction to superovulation treatments had been an important factor limiting the current commercial application in embryo transfer to cows. In the last years, for reducing the variability of ovaries reaction to gonadotropes hormones stimulation, progestagen hormones are frequently used. In our embryo recovery experiments performed on cows, we induced the superovulation with gestagen hormones, pituitary extracts of FSH and PgF2α. We used two subcutaneous implants with 3 mg of norgestomet (SMB). The first implant was introduced on the external side of the ear and in the same time a solution-SMB was injected (Day 0). The second implant was introduced on the 5th day of the superovulatory treatment, without injectable solution. From the 6th day of the protocol the super ovulation treatment with Folltropin-V begun. Folltropin-V was administered in a total dose of 400 mg NIH, divided in 8 doses of 50 mg each, administered at 12 hours intervals. In the 9th day, at the same time with the last two FSH administrations, 25 mg Lutalyse were administered. The two implants were removed after the last FSH dose (Day 9 pm). There was a mean of 13.1 embryos non-surgically recovered and 8.0 embryos were fit to be transferred. The hormonal stimulation and embryo recovery works may be performed simultaneously to some more cows that can be collected in the same day.


Biotechnology, donor cow, superovulation, norgestomet implant, FSH, Synchro Mate B (SMB), hormonal treatment, gestagen hormones, progestagen hormones, hormonal stimulation

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 193-195

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