Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Molecular analysis based on the amino acid sequence of acetylcholinesterase from Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Qingfeng Tang 1,
Benguo Zhou 2, Junqi Jiang 1, Yanli Lei 2, Dafeng Xu 2, Zhengliang Gao 2*Recieved Date: 2010-10-14, Accepted Date: 2011-01-02
Abstract:Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a key enzyme of the insect nerve system. The enzyme is the primary target of organophosphorous and carbamate insecticides. In this study, we compared the amino acid sequences of AChEs from the organisms tested and found that amino acid sequence of AChEs showed the biggest evolution and conservation. The amino acid sequence of AChEs from Myzus persicae was obtained and analyzed. Phylogenetic tree was created based on the amino acid sequence of AChEs in which the phylogenetic relationship of the organisms tested can be exhibited. Homology modeling was completed and the AChEs structure and key amino acid points from the aphids tested was viewed. This paper also discussed the M. persicae AChEs structure characteristics and functional sites.
Keywords:Acetylcholinesterase (AChE),
Myzus persicae, sequence analysis, bioinformaticsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 588-592
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