Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Economic factors on adoption of integrated rice-fish farming: Case of Tavalesh Region, Iran
Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini Niyaki,
Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari *Recieved Date: 2010-10-23, Accepted Date: 2011-01-04
Abstract:Integrated rice-fish farming is not a purely technical decision and different factors affect it. The identification of them can help distinguish adopters from non-adopters in an attempt to extend the integrated rice-fish farming. This study was carried out to identify economic factors on adoption integrated rice-fish farming by farmers in north of Iran. A survey was conducted using a stratified random sampling to collect data from farmers of selected villages in Tavalesh region, Guilan province. The questionnaire validity and reliability were also determined to enhance the dependability of the results. Farmers were divided into two groups: adopters and non-adopters. Totally 61 adopters and 123 non-adopters of rice-fish farming were studied for effective economic factors. Results showed that economic factors influencing the adoption of integrated rice-fish farming were farm ownership, yearly income from agricultural activities, average yield of rice, yearly expenditure in rice farming and farm workers.
integrated rice-fish farming, economic factors, farmers, north of IranJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 599-603
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