Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 9, Issue 2,2011
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Hyperglucidic stress in diet – study of the dentine-pulp complex on experimental model


Roxana Oancea 1*, Angela Codruţa Podariu 1, Liliana Vasile 2, Valentin Ordodi 3, Cristian Oancea 4

Recieved Date: 2011-01-08, Accepted Date: 2011-04-12


High glucose quantity accelerates the initialization and progression of dental caries, but it seems also to affect dentin formation in young rats. Based on the hypothesis that metabolical alterations of odontoblasts might predispose to caries, evidenced through the decrease in dentinal apposition, it was assumed that glucose can contribute to the progression of carious lesion through systemic mechanism. The reactivity of the pulp-dentinal complex on experimental model was investigated in increased carious environment, modifying the diet (high glucose concentration) and the salivary function (ablation of the submandibular salivary gland). In order to analyse the carious mechanism, experimental model was created. Sprague-Dawley rats aged 21 days were used in this experiment. All the animals were injected intraperitoneally with oxytetracycline (30-40 mg/kg) to mark the dentin areas formed during the study. The first molar erupts into the oral cavity on the 19th day after birth and reaches the occlusal plane on day 25, while the second molar erupts on the 22nd day and becomes functional on the 28th day. Control group consisted of feeding rats with standardized protein concentrate with no surgery. Group 2 consisted of feeding rats with the same standardized protein concentrate, with excision of submandibular salivary glands. Group 3 consisted of feeding rats with food made from standard protein concentrate (40%) and glucose (60%), with no surgery. Group 4 consisted of feeding rats with the same food as group 3 and excision of submandibular glands. Samples from 4 groups including 4 rats were collected after ethical approval. The smears were analysed by cytohistological methods. On the experimental model, the effect of the salivary submandibular ablation and the high glucose concentration diet was the increasing carious activity. The high glucose concentration diet reduced mineralised dentinal apposition in young rat. Dentin formation was smaller and the predentin zone wider in rats fed a glucose diet when compared with rats fed the reference diet. Widening of the predentin zone in rats fed a high-glucose diet may reflect changes in odontoblast function, such as reduced matrix synthesis and possibly disturbed mineralization. In the control group the dentinal apposition was significantly higher under the carios lesion. The high dose of glucose in diet decreased dentinal formation in comparison to the control group. The control group showed a defensive pulp- dentinal response while the carious diet group showed a decrease of the pulp-dentinal response. These aspects reveal the importance of diet in modulating the response against progression of dental caries.


High glucose concentration, diet, experimental model, pulp-dentinal response

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 152-157

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