Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Changes of soil physical properties in contour hedgerow systems on steeplands
Dongbing Cheng *,
Pingcang Zhang, Yifeng Wang, Yalong LiRecieved Date: 2011-01-16, Accepted Date: 2011-04-08
Abstract:Contour hedgerow is considered as an effective way of sustainable development of agroecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. To evaluate the effects of contour hedgerow on soil physical properties, soil properties from different contour hedgerow systems were analyzed. The results showed that soil non-capillary porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, saturated water content and natural water content in the hedgerows treatments were higher than in the rock ridge terrace treatment, while the soil bulk density and field moisture capacity in the hedgerows treatments were lower than in the rock ridge terrace treatment. Based on the same depth, with the extending of the distance to hedgerows (ridge), for the hedgerows treatments soil bulk density and natural water content increased gradually, and soil non-capillary porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and saturated water content decreased gradually, while no apparent change for the rock ridge terrace treatment. With the deepening of the soil layer, for each treatment soil bulk density and natural water content increased gradually, and soil non-capillary porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and saturated water content decreased gradually accordingly, and their differences among treatments were also lessened gradually. The distance to hedgerow reflected the degree of effects on soil water and physical properties by hedgerow indirectly. The closer to hedgerow, the greater the effects were. Comparing treatments of white popinac and negundo chaste tree, their effects were equivalent.
Keywords:Soil physical properties,
contour hedgerows, Three-Gorges Area, PR ChinaJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 486-489
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