Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Shelf-life extension with solid enrichment and water encapsulation of fruits
Sailen Ghosh
Recieved Date: 2004-07-22, Accepted Date: 2004-11-15
Abstract:A new concept using reverse osmosis to enrich solid contents in the food and subsequently encapsulating the free moisture within the food using additive resulted in extension of shelf-life of pineapples. The sample prepared by this new technique is better in look, texture and accepted by the taste panelists over the conventionally prepared freeze-dried sample. Sample was stored up to 6 months at room temperature and 1 year in 0-2°C without much appreciable change in the acceptance. The method adopted was found to be suitable in preservation of large varieties of fruits.
Keywords:Reverse osmosis,
encapsulation, additive, freeze-drying, shelf life, fruitsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2004
Volume: 2
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 45-46
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