Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Susceptibility of different varieties of wheat and barley to cereal leafminer Syringopais temperatella Led. (Lep., Scythrididae) under laboratory conditions
Firas A. Al-Zyoud 1*,
Naser M. Salameh 2, Ihab Ghabeish 3, Azzam Saleh 4Recieved Date: 2009-05-28, Accepted Date: 2009-09-24
Abstract:The use of insecticides against the cereal leafminer Syringopais temperatella Led. has generally lagged due to cost constraints associated with wheat and barley as low-input crops and the developed insecticidal resistance by the pest. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate susceptibility of wheat and barley varieties commonly grown in Jordan to this pest to facilitate the use of such varieties as one of the most economically effective and environmentally friendly control measures. Two leaf ages, six different varieties of each crop and two different larval groups were used as experimental factors, which were examined at 25±1°C under laboratory conditions. Results indicated that mean leaf area consumed from wheat by both early and late instars was significantly more in Horani Nawawi and least in Acsad 65. Acsad 176 and Rum 2 barley varieties showed most susceptible and Athroh exhibited the least susceptibility. All instars larvae showed preference to old leaves than young ones in barley, but they did not show any significant preference to leaf age in wheat. In general, barley varieties were more susceptible than wheat varieties to larval attack and feeding.
cereal leafminer, susceptibility, Syringopais temperatella, wheatJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 235-238
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