Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Distribution of non-structural carbohydrates, sugars, flavonols and pyruvate in scales of onions, Allium cepa L.
Rune Slimestad 1*,
Ingunn M. Vågen 2Recieved Date: 2009-05-30, Accepted Date: 2009-09-28
Abstract:Onions, Allium cepa L., have been investigated with respect to distribution of sugars, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), flavonols, total antioxidant capacity (TEAC), pyruvate, dry weight content and total soluble solids (SSC) in the different edible scales of the bulbs. Six scales from the cultivars ‘Red Baron’ and ‘Hytech’ were analyzed in fresh onions. The red cultivar ‘Red Baron’ showed an increase in SSC from 10.1 in the outermost to 12.8 ºBrix in the innermost scales. The content of fructose decreased inwards whereas the content of sucrose showed a slight increase (both p <0.001). The level of glucose was nearly the same in the different scales. FOS was found to increase inwards (p <0.001). The total amount of flavonols in ‘Red Baron’ was found to decrease inwards from 368 to 45 mg/100 g FW. The greatest drop in flavonol concentration was found between the first and the second scales in all samples. Quercetin 3,4’-diglucoside was the most predominant flavonol in all samples. Strong correlations (r = 0.90) were found between the total amounts of quercetins and the antioxidant capacities.
Keywords:Allium cepa L.,
flavonols, fructo oligosaccharides, fructose., glucose, pyruvate, quercetin, quercetin 4’-glucoside, quercetin 3,4’-diglucoside, sucrose, TEACJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 289-294
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