Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Researches regarding growth rates, survivability and carcass quality in F1 Dorper x Turcana lambs reared extensively
Dinu Gavojdian 1, 2,
Ludovic T. Cziszter 1,*, Ioan Padeanu 1, Nicolae Pacala 1, Silvia Erina 1, Daniela Ilie 1, 3, Maria Sauer 2, Iulian Tripon 1Recieved Date: 2011-12-20, Accepted Date: 2012-04-28
Abstract:Aim of the current research was to evaluate the effects that crossing Dorper (DO) rams with indigenous Romanian Turcana (TA) ewes have on growth rates, survivability and carcass quality of F1 crossbreed lambs when managed in an extensive rearing production system. Researches were carried out in a commercial farm in western Romania, in extensive management conditions, for producing organic lamb meat. At the age of 240 days, crossbred lambs had an average weight of 44.6 kg, a significantly higher weight than those from the control group (p<0.001), which achieved 36.7 kg. Differences of 7.9 kg/marketed lamb could prove valuable for the overall profitability and returns for the sheep farmers that will adopt crossing DO rams with indigenous Romanian TA ewes. Average daily gain (ADG) of F1 DO x TA lambs during the first 90 days of age was, on average, 226 g being higher (p<0.001) compared to TA lambs who gained, on average, 173 g/day. Survival rates of lambs until the age of slaughter (240 days) was not affected by the genotype (p>0.05), averages being 88.4% for crossbred lambs and 88.8% for purebred TA lambs. DO rams greatly improved the carcass quality about 75% of crossbred carcasses were included in U and R categories, while over 80% of TA carcasses were included in O and P classes. Using DO rams as crossing sires for the Romanian native TA ewes significantly improved the meat production of the F1 crossbred lambs, by terms of growth rates and carcass quality at slaughter. It is clearly that breed complementarity exists between the two genotypes. The Romanian sheep industry could benefit from of this genetic combinability, especially those farmers who use extensive rearing systems to produce organic lamb meat.
Keywords:Growth rates,
carcass quality, survival rate, organic farming, Dorper, sheep, Turcana ewes, crossbreeding, indigenous breeds, melatonin implantsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 617-619
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