Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Impact of promoting sustainable agriculture in Borno (PROSAB) program on adoption of improved crop varieties in Borno State of Nigeria
S. A. Bamire 1*,
T. Abdoulaye 2, P. Amaza 3, A. Tegbaru 2, A. D. Alene 2, A. Y. Kamara 2Recieved Date: 2010-07-28, Accepted Date: 2010-10-27
Abstract:This paper evaluates the impact of the intervention of Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in Borno (PROSAB) project on the livelihoods of farming households in Borno State, Nigeria. Specifically, the paper identifies and provides information on farmers’ adoption of improved crop varieties introduced by PROSAB; measures their adoption rates, and analyzes the factors that affect the probability and intensity of adoption of the crop varieties. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents in three agroecological zones (AEZs) - the northern Guinea savanna (NGS), southern Guinea savanna (SGS), and the Sahelian savanna (SS), and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data on their socioeconomic characteristics and adoption parameters in the 2009 period. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Tobit regression techniques. The paper demonstrates how adoption and use decisions were significantly influenced by education, membership in associations, and yield in the NGS; yield and labor in the SGS, and age and labor in the SS, implying that these variables, and particularly yield, are important for consideration by development agencies who are interested in improving agricultural production and the livelihoods of the people.
adoption, improved crop varieties, agroecologies, farming households, livelihoods, PROSAB, Tobit regressionJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 391-398
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