Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Differentiation of banana (Musa spp.) hybrids and somaclones from INIVIT, Cuba, through morphological descriptors
Teresa Ramírez Pedraza 1,
Lianet González Díaz 1, Eliécer Reinaldo Álvarez 1, Sergio Fernández Peña 1, Ricardo Hernández Pérez 2, Dagoberto Guillen 3*Recieved Date: 2010-07-19, Accepted Date: 2010-10-14
Abstract:The morphoagronomic differentiation of three phenotypically somaclonal variants identified within a population of banana cv ‘FHIA-18’ (AAAB) is shown. Meristem culture derived-plants were identified as “Red Selection”, “Selection 7” and “Selection 4”, as well as, hybrids obtained and introduced into Musa spp. Genetic Breeding Program at INIVIT. Banana hybrids H-1 and H-10 and banana cultivars ‘FHIA-18’ and ‘FHIA-25’ were introduced. Morphological and agronomical characterization was carried out according to the descriptor list for bananas and plantains11. The most discriminating characters in relation to crop genetic variability were analyzed. Twenty two qualitative descriptors and eight quantitative descriptors were processed statistically. Morphoagronomic analysis resulted in 79.23% variability for qualitative variables and 97.59% for quantitative variables with three components. Based on morphoagronomic analysis, 79.23% variability for qualitative variables and 97.59% for quantitative variables with three components were determined. Two groups in the qualitative analysis and a group in the quantitative analysis were revealed during the morphological studies and in both cases hybrid ‘FHIA-25’ was isolated from the other genotypes.
morphoagronomic, FHIA, somaclonal variants, genetic variabilityJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 584-588
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