Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Socio-economic analysis of dairy buffalo enterprises in Afyonkarahisar province in Turkey
Aytekin Günlü 1*,
Hasan Çiçek 2, Murat Tandoğan 2Recieved Date: 2010-07-23, Accepted Date: 2010-11-02
Abstract:This research was carried out in order to evaluate dairy buffalo enterprises’ structural features and economical situations in Afyonkarahisar province in Turkey. Research material was collected by means of questionnaire from 66 enterprises, determined by randomly sampling method in 2005-2006 production periods. Producer’s education levels were determined as 62.12% primary school, 19.70% secondary school and 18.18% high school. Buffalo breeding was the main occupation in 87.88% of enterprises and a secondary profession for the rest with 12.12%. Buffalo cow was bred in 6.06% of the enterprises for 1-10 years, in 15.15% for 11-20 years and in 78.79% for 21 years and more. In different age groups, average animal number was 15.56 and average dairy buffalo number 6.74 in enterprises. Production was made completely intensive in 3% of enterprises. Pasture usage period was 5.06 months. In breeding of buffalo cow, average lactation period was 250.71 days and lactation milk yield 1078.59 kg. Enterprise cost factors were as follows: 42.84% feed; 27.48% labour; 2.98% vets and meds; 9.50% energy; 1.12% foreign capital interest; 3.49% cream pack; 3.24% repair and maintenance and 9.35% amortization. As for enterprise incomes, the results were: 75.78% cream sales revenue; 9.62% milk under cream sales revenue; 5.70% calf revenue and 8.90% inventory value increases. In enterprises, financial rantability rate was -6.08, economical rantability -5.69 and cost/benefit ratio 0.92. The economical evaluation results demonstrated that economical support and encouragement precautions should be applied towards buffalo breeding immediately to sustain the dairy buffalo breeding in the area.
Keywords:Dairy buffalo,
socio-economic analysis, TurkeyJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 689-691
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