Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Pre-processing of aged carioca beans: Soaking effect in sodium salts in the cooking and nutrition quality
Vanderleia Schoeninger,
Silvia Renata Machado Coelho *, Divair Christ, Silvio Cesar Sampaio, Ana Julia Bispo de AlmeidaRecieved Date: 2012-09-28, Accepted Date: 2013-01-19
Abstract:Increasing in cooking time of bean grains during storage is a feature of this legume. However, its long cooking process consequently makes many consumers often avoid eating this product, which results postharvest losses. The possibility of offering a product previously processed is an option for consumers who look for convenience and quality. One way to reuse the grains that already present hardening defect is the application of processes, such as soaking in sodium salts to reduce the cooking time. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of the pre-processing of the aged carioca beans using the soaking in sodium salts followed by drying under the parameters of technological quality, proteins and tannins content. It was used a screen design 2², with axial points (α = 1.41), to determine the effect of concentration factors of sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (0 to 4.5% for both the salts) used in the soaking of the aged grains, over the parameters: percentage of water soaking before cooking, cooking time, index of damaged grains, colour parameters and protein and tannin contents in the grains. The increase in concentration of NaHCO3 from 0 to 4.5% reduced 9.06 min the cooking time of the aged bean grains. However, the same salt contributed to the increased darkening of the tegument of the grains, and in concentrations above 0.65% of NaHCO3 pronounced darkening occurred in the product. The protein and tannin contents of the grains were not altered significantly in the employed process conditions.
Keywords:Phaseolus vulgaris L.,
cooking time, experimental designJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 184-189
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