Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of K on dry matter accumulation and distribution and changes of root-zone K in different cotton genotypes
Cun-Cang Jiang *,
Yan-Shu Hao, Xiao-Li Wang, Dian Wang, Jing LeiRecieved Date: 2012-10-12, Accepted Date: 2013-01-24
Abstract:Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the most important economic crops in China as well as the world, potassium (K) plays a vital role in cotton growth and much attention has been paid on K efficiency recently. This trial was conducted to study the differences in dry matter accumulation, distribution, and root-zone K changes of K-efficient cotton genotype 103 and K-inefficient cotton genotype 122 through root box experiments. The results showed that genotype 103 could tolerate low K stress and grow much better than genotype 122. Number of bolls of genotype 103 was 3.3 times of that in genotype 122 at –K (0 g kg-1 soil), and 1.9 times of that at +K (0.30 g kg-1 soil). Boll dry matter weights of genotype 103 were much greater both in -K and +K treatments, compared with genotype 122. Soil slowly available K of genotype 103 in both rhizosphere and non- rhizosphere were lower at -K, but genotype 122 absorbed more K in soil with K application. The results demonstrate that K inefficient genotype 122 could not tolerate low K stress and only made lower yield increase with K fertilization, but K efficient genotype 103 could use less K fertilizer input and get higher yield, so it is feasible method to use high K efficiency genotype to reduce K fertilizer application and make better environmental benefits.
Keywords:Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),
genotype, dry matter, K efficiency, rhizosphereJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 604-608
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