Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Projected environmental effects of the Third Airport in Istanbul
Elif Kutay Karacor 1*,
Dalia Korshid 2Recieved Date: 2015-01-09, Accepted Date: 2015-05-22
Abstract:Together with globalization process, airports have become focal points of the cities. They increase the competitiveness amongst the cities by facilitating movements of capital, technology, knowledge and people. Their global importance affects the local characteristics of cities in terms of increased built up areas with density, fragmented landscapes. Many environmentalists criticize airports due to the fact that the land use decisions following their construction lead to several environmental problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the projected impacts of building the ‘Third Airport of Istanbul in Turkey’ on the land use and to draw the attention of interest groups to prevent the negative impacts of the airport before opening. Although, some experts and non-governmental organizations have realized the negative impacts of the airport from an environmental perspective, they have not mentioned how the area will change in the future. The main research questions to be asked and studied are the possible impacts of the third airport on the area and the changes that may occur in the land use and density in the area. The study used primary research by analyzing and observing the current situation of the third airport project. Comparative analysis was used by studying Sabiha Gokcen Airport which is second airport project in Istanbul to learn what kind of land use changes occurred before and after the project. Following these studies, secondary research was used as well. Therefore, both the positive and negative impacts of the third airport project were estimated and evaluated. It is expected that the new airport will bring positive opportunities to further develop foreign investment, tourism and job opportunities. However, it will also lead to the development of many new buildings to meet the needs of travelers and users of the airport which will therefore lead to many environmental and ecological problems
Keywords:Ecological planning,
land use, transportationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2015
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 223-227
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