Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Dynamics of the international trade of Romania
Ionela Miţuko Vlad *,
Silviu BeciuRecieved Date: 2013-10-22, Accepted Date: 2014-01-27
Abstract:International trade is one of the most important vectors of transmission of technological progress and assessing price competitiveness in a country. In this paper, we approached an analysis on the trade openness and structural changes in international trade of Romania, in relation with the European Union (EU) trade. In order to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, it has also been performed a SWOT analysis, as a diagnostic method. The research is based on data mainly collected from the Romanian Statistical Yearbooks, Eurostat database and focuses on a case study of oilseeds sector, during 2002 - 2011 periods. In order to emphasize structural adjustments in trade sector, we have analysed a series of indices (index of coverage degree, index of trade openness, index of geographical reorientation and of structural adjustments) that have helped us to formulate conclusions of this study. Thus, even if in the last year’s period the level of the trade openness is increasing, we cannot speak about a specialization of our country, on a specific product, in relation with the EU. Trade openness determinates the economic growth of the country and along with this indicator should be also observed elements related to specialization and geographical distribution of international trade. As an European country, Romania is more convenient in terms of trade orientation, to participate and being integrated in the international trade system, than staying outside it.
Keywords:International trade,
coverage degree, openness, geographical reorientation, structural adjustments, RomaniaJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 161-164
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