Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Empirical study on the factors influencing TRIZ’s promotion effect on agricultural science and technology innovation
Junjie Zhao,
Baofeng ChenRecieved Date: 2013-11-08, Accepted Date: 2014-01-13
Abstract:Combined with the characteristics of agricultural science and technology projects and based on literature study, field research and expert interview, this paper proposed 39 influence factors of TRIZ application from four dimensions of strategy, training, resource and organization. Furthermore, this paper empirically studied the key factors currently influencing TRIZ’s promoting role in agricultural science and technology innovation by factor analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis based on the survey of 161 agricultural science and technology program specialists. The results showed that among ten common factors extracted by factor analysis, leadership strategy factor had the greatest impact on innovation performance produced by applying TRIZ and its regression coefficient was 0.319. Resource investment, training subject, innovation management and creative collaboration factors all had positive correlation with innovation performance. In addition, application pattern and training object factors both played important roles in assessing innovation performance. This paper also put forward several suggestions in order to provide specific guidance for efficiently and deeply applying TRIZ.
agricultural science and technology innovation, influence factor, empirical studyJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 174-179
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