Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Development and construction of an arm tool for nonselective harvest of Alfajayucan type prickly pear
Héctor Martín Durán-García 1*,
Ricardo Romero-Méndez 2, José Luis Martín Pulido Delgado 2, Orlando Guarneros García 2, Cesar Izcoatl Jimenez Delgado 2Recieved Date: 2012-11-10, Accepted Date: 2013-04-20
Abstract:Due to restrictive characteristics of prickly pear plants, such as height, distribution of the leaves, and the lack of personal for recollection of the fruits, an arm for nonselective harvesting of prickly pears, of the variety Alfajayucan, has been developed. This device is designed to pick the fruit without damage, to reach the most remote fruits, to enhance the work conditions and to be easy to handle.
Keywords:Prickly pear harvest,
mechanical prickly pear harvest, nonselective prickly pear harvestJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 358-362
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