Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Biofortification and distribution patterns of selenium in bean: Response to selenate and selenite
Martha A. Hermosillo-Cereceres,
Esteban Sánchez-Chávez *, Alexandro Guevara-Aguilar, Ezequiel Muñoz-Márquez, Monica L. García-BañuelosRecieved Date: 2013-01-10, Accepted Date: 2013-04-26
Abstract:The micronutrient biofortification of agricultural crops is a process of increasing the bioavailable concentrations of essential elements in the edible portions of cultivated plants. Today fertilization is considered a promising strategy to integrate selenium (Se) into crops, as this is efficiently transferred through the soil-plant-animal-human chain. The objective of the present work was to assess the distribution pattern of Se in bean plants according to the different application rates of sodium selenate and selenite in order to biofortify the bean plants with this element and to increase their nutritional value. Six application rates of both nutrients were tested (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 µM) for 40 d. The results for the conditions studied indicate that the application of Se in the form of selenite at a rate of 40 µM was the most suitable rate to incorporate Se into the bean plant, as it favored growth (biomass) and boosted the bioavailable concentration of Se in the bean fruit. On the other hand, the best application rate for selenate was 20 µM. In addition, the high rates of selenite caused phytotoxicity in the bean crop, provoking a drastic reduction in biomass. It was thus concluded that it is feasible to implement a fertilization program with Se in order to improve the nutritional quality of the bean crop, as the most Se concentrates in the seeds.
Keywords:Phaseolus vulgaris L.,
nutrient solution, biomass production, fertilization, cv. StrikeJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 421-426
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