Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Pre-processing glutinous rice effects on textural and morphological changes
Viboon Pansa-ead 1,
Kannika Huaisan 2, Supan Yangyeun 1, Songchai Wiriyaumpaiwong 1*Recieved Date: 2014-05-12, Accepted Date: 2014-09-30
Abstract:Glutinous rice is frequently enjoyed at snack and meal time in Southeast Asia. Khaowong Kalasin is a cultivar of glutinous rice in Thailand, and its name is a geographical indicator of Kalasin province in Northeast Thailand. Its quality can be described as outstandingly soft and sticky. This study addresses the soaking and cooking methods that can be used for Khaowong Kalasin glutinous milled rice to achieve a uniform texture. Textural and sensory evaluations were compared between Khaowong Kalasin and RD6 cultivars in a container stored overnight. More specifically, the effects of drying and temperature conditions on rehydration, texture, and external visualization for instant Khaowong Kalasin rice were investigated. Soaking times were tested from 30 to 90 min. Three cooking methods were used: firewood with bamboo basket and earthenware steamer, LPG with bamboo basket, and aluminium pot steamer and a modern programmable rice cooker. Temperatures from 40 to 60°C with hot air drying and freeze drying were evaluated. To reduce variations of hardness and stickiness, glutinous milled rice was soaked for 60 min and cooked in a programmable rice cooker instead of using two traditional methods: firewood with bamboo basket and earthenware and LPG with bamboo basket and aluminium pot. Khaowong Kalasin cooked rice could be stored in a container for a longer period of time than the RD6 cultivar. A 9-point hedonic test showed differences between both varieties in softness and colour, but adhesiveness, odour and overall acceptance were very similar. An evaluation of the effects of drying and temperature conditions on the rehydration and texture of Khaowong Kalasin showed hardness of the rehydrated rice after hot air drying at 40°C was closer, and the stickiness higher, than the control (fresh cooked rice). Rehydrated rice after hot air drying between 50 and 60°C and freeze drying (-80°C) was too soft. The instant rice after drying at 40°C needed the longest rehydration time but had no significant change in rehydration maximum weight gain. On external microscope visualization, testers specifically preferred hot air drying below 60°C because the higher temperature led to more fractures inside the kernel and they were ‘hidden’ by the opaque surface after freeze drying.
Keywords:Glutinous rice,
soaking, drying, instant glutinous rice, rehydration, sensory evaluationsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 115-121
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