Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Ecological revitalisation of brownfields - A challenge for Romania and Eastern Europe
Lucian P. Georgescu,
Catalina Iticescu, Gabriel Murariu, Catalina TopaRecieved Date: 2013-10-12, Accepted Date: 2014-01-10
Abstract:In many of the urban zones in Romania, there are important industrial polluted areas, which represent underexplored economic value. They damage the image of the cities to a great extent, weakening their competitive investment position and influencing the employment rate and economic growth. The paper presents some good experience accumulated through the Project Revitalization of Traditional Industrial Areas in South-East Europe (RETINA), a project financed by the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme and developed by 10 partners from 7 different SEE countries with a view to develop the necessary tools and methodology to tackle the problem in an integrated way, focusing on successful sustainable brownfields revitalization and stakeholder engagement in all the stages of the process. RETINA could be the chance for economical re-boosting and social growth in urban areas, where the heavy industry used to play a key role. Brownfields revitalization is a benefic process also in terms of biodiversity by restocking plant and animal communities in adjacent areas of this lands. The paper presents a case study for the revitalization of the Tirighina landfill and creating the necessary conditions for a reference pilot project to be taken into account in the future projects and in the revitalization of other polluted sites in Galati. The main idea of the paper was to take into account the “anthropocentric” character of this kind of project and all types of used and non-used values for the appreciation of a correct costs/benefits ratio as well as to place the project within sustainable development principles and procedures. This paper presents only the Galati team contribution within the RETINA project.
Keywords:Ecological revitalisation,
brownfields, industrial areas, character, pollution source, case studyJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 503-507
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