Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The land biophysical degradation and community traumatic condition due to the periodic flooding in Miu Watershed Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Saiful Darman1, Muhammad Nur Ali 2, Muhammad Basir-Cyio 1, Mahfudz 1, Alam Anshary 1, Muhammad Rusydi 3, Golar 4, Juliana Mohamed 5, Muhammad Rizal Razman 5*Recieved Date: 2017-06-10, Accepted Date: 2017-09-07
Abstract:Human activities that do not heed the rules of the land can cause environmental damage that affects the occurrence of floods and landslides. This study aimed to analyze the biophysical degradation and trauma condition of the community due to flooding in the Miu Watershed. This research was carried out in Miu Watershed as a part of Palu Watershed in Central Sulawesi province. Number of land units as the sample of land degradation measurement was 76 units of land. The research variables were land degradation with parameter (prediction of erosion rate, potential erosion, actual erosion, erosion hazard level, slope classes in Miu Watershed), material losses (Rupiah) and trauma during flood. The data analysis was quantitative-descriptive analysis on each research variable obtained from the data collecting. Land degradation is indicated by land cover condition which dominantly undergone by secondary forest of about 67.47% of the total area of Miu Watershed. Critical land reached 3.87% of the Miu Watershed area. Actual erosion rate in 76 units of land with severe category was 35.27% and very severe was 11.41%. The land degradation in Miu Watershed with (moderate - severe) erosion rate was about 78.44% of the Miu Watershed area. Flood that occurs every year causes the respondents to experience high material losses of about Rp 995,760,000 and 34.9% suffered losses> Rp 5,000,000. The psychosocial aspect consisting 7 objects has triggered the traumatic impact of the respondents due to frequent flooding. The Miu Watershed is degraded and aggravated by the disruption of function in the ecosystem of protected forest area (PF) and limited production forest (LPF) so that the water management and conservation areas are not optimal, resulting in frequent floods and landslides during the rainy season. Flood that occurs every year creates material losses and triggers trauma impacts on the communities in the watershed area of Miu.
Keywords:Degradation of Miu Watershed area,
flush flood, material loss, traumaJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2017
Volume: 15
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 123-129
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