Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Touristic potentials and tourism development opportunities in the Southern part of Kosovo - Municipality of Dragash
Hazer Dana 1,
Tomor Çela 2*Recieved Date: 2018-01-01, Accepted Date: 2018-03-24
Abstract:Tourism represents the main segment through which the accommodation, food, beverages and entertainment is offered to tourists. Geographical position, climate, hydrography, flora and fauna, as well as the cultural heritage are the most valuable assets of the Southern part of Kosovo, in particular the Municipality of Dragash, as they are everlasting factors for the tourism development as an important economic sector. Despite all this potential, the level of tourism development in the Municipality of Dragash still remains very low. Lack of touristic capacities and investments in this sector are two main factors that have established the current tourism status. Based on the existing touristic potential in this municipality (natural and social), several types of tourism can be developed: winter, summer, mountain, recreational, transitory, cultural tourism, etc.
municipality, tourism, development, national park, vegetationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2018
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 207-214
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