Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Factors that affect the performance of apple cultivation farms - an Albanian case study


 Remzi Keco 1*, Gentjan Mehmeti 1, Shpresim Domi 2, Ilir Kapaj 1

Recieved Date: 2019-01-12, Accepted Date: 2019-03-30


The fruit sector in Albania has seen a significant increase in the recent years. In some areas of the country there are already market-oriented farms which are leading the sector towards a commercial profile. The development of this sector faces the structural problems faced by Albanian agriculture which are mostly related to small farm size, high number of plots, problems of financing the agricultural business, etc. In this context we consider that there are a variety of factors that determine the performance of apple cultivation farms. This study aimed to identify and analyze the key factors that affect the performance of apple farms. Data were collected in Devolli area in Korça region, as a typical region oriented toward apple production in Albania. The study is focused on assessing the impact of factors, such as knowledge transfer, funding sources, market orientation, technology and development barriers on the performance of apple cultivation farms. In order to analyze the impact of these factors on farm performance the Structural Equation Modeling for hypotheses testing was used. The results show that funding sources have a non-significant effect on the performance of apple farms. Knowledge transfer and technology have a significant effect on the performance of these farms. Also, development barriers have a significant effect on performance. According to the result of the data analysis, market orientation has a non-significant effect on the apple farms performance in Devolli area.


Fruit sector, apple farms, cultivation, farm performance indicators, Structural Equation Modelin

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2019
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 27-30

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