Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Standardization and evaluation of aloe vera-stevia fruit jellies
Haritha Devanand,
Kavita WaghrayRecieved Date: 2021-09-28, Accepted Date: 2021-12-22
Abstract:This study aimed to develop and evaluate the fruit jam products in which the fruit pulp and sugar were substituted with aloe vera and stevia at various levels in treatments (T1 - 0%, T2 - 25%, T3 - 50%, T4 - 75% and T5 - 100%). The aloe vera pulp was procured from the Bhaskara Biotech (Manufacturer of aloe vera products), Ranga Reddy Dist., Telangana, India. The other ingredients like fruits, sugar, stevia, low methoxyl pectin, calcium powder and citric acid were procured from the local market and from online services. The sensory evaluation of the treatments and their physico-chemical properties were studied and the well accepted products from sensory evaluation were selected for shelf-life studies. The results revealed that the products with aloe vera and stevia substitution up to 50% were well acceptable. This may be because of less taste of aloe vera than fruits and bitter taste of stevia. The physico-chemical property studies revealed that the pH and titratable acidity were maintained at 3.2 and 0.5%. The TSS, protein, total sugars, reducing sugars and ash values were observed to be decreasing. In the shelf life studies for 180 days of storage period, the total plate count, E. coli count, yeast and mould count of selected samples showed an acceptable range of microbial growth till 90th day. Low calorie fruit-based aloe vera-stevia jelly products can be successfully developed and further studies can be conducted for improvement of the aloe vera-based products.
Keywords:Aloe vera,
stevia, low calorie fruit jelly, aloe vera - stevia fruit jelly, aloe vera fruit jelly, stevia fruit jellyJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2022
Volume: 20
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 32-37
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