Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Identification and morphometry of mushroom fly Sciara orientalis on Agaricus bisporus in sub-tropical areas of Himachal Pradesh
Aarushi Sharma,
Sunil Kumar, Rohit Sharma, Devika Sharma, Ranjit KumarRecieved Date: 2020-11-18, Accepted Date: 2020-12-28
Abstract:White button mushroom is very important component to achieve nutritional security demand and to impart diversification in the agricultural food products. There are different insect-pests which causes direct as well as indirect damage to button mushroom. A detailed survey of twenty mushroom farms was conducted to record the incidence of mushroom flies on Agaricus bisporus in four districts of H.P. viz., Kullu, Una, Kangra and Hamirpur. The greyish brown flies with long legs, thread like antennae and filthy wings were identified as sciarid flies and were found prevalent on button mushroom. The morphometry and life history characteristics of Sciara orientalis were studied on the mycelium of Agaricus bisporus. Biology of the fly was studied in laboratory at approximately 25°C temperature and morphometry of the same was studied under an ocular micrometer with the help of a compound microscope. Fresh culture was provided to the flies for egg laying and larval feeding. The length and breadth of eggs, larval instar, pupae and adults were measured under an ocular micrometer. Permanent mounts of antenna, wings and legs were prepared and same were measured for their length and breadth. The total life cycle from egg to adult was completed in 26-34 days with an incubation period of 5-6 days, larval period of 14-15 days and pupal period of 2-3 days. Female flies survived 3-5 days longer than the male flies. The compost samples were collected at every crop stage from the farms handling 150-1500 compost bags at a time. The major sciarid flies encountered during survey studies were identified as Bradysia asiatica, Sciara orientalis and S. quadrisetosa by ZSI, Kolkata and the fly infestation was found more abundant in Kangra district and in lower numbers in Kullu district.
Agaricus bisporus, Diptera, Sciaridae, ocular micrometerJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2021
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 90-96
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