Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Is food insecurity exists among the households in rural-urban interface of Bangalore? An economic analysis
Veerabhadrappa Bellundagi,
K. B. Umesh, B. C. AshwiniRecieved Date: 2020-07-08, Accepted Date: 2020-09-14
Abstract:The paper makes an assessment of the food security situation and food consumption pattern of households in the rural-urban interface of Bangalore. A multistage random sampling technique was adopted to select 1275 sample households, of which 616 households were from the north transect and 659 were from the south transect. The required data were collected through the survey solutions (computer assisted personnel interview) technique. In this paper, the first part describes the consumption pattern and calorie intake of the households, while the latter part was used to analyse the food security status and factors influencing food security. The results on the households’ consumption patterns revealed that, cereals were the main source of dietary nutrients across all the sample households. Rural households derived the most of their calorie from cereals. Across the gradients, the average monthly per-capita consumption expenditure by households was relatively higher in case of cereals followed by milk and milk products. Based on the recommended daily calorie intake, 71.3 percent and 67.5 percent of the households were food secure in both north and south transects, respectively inferring that a majority of the households were food secure in the study area. The calculated head count ratio (H) for the food secure households was 0.70 and 0.60 in north and south transects respectively, indicating that more than 60 percent of households in the study area were food secure. The surplus indices revealed that the food secure households’ calorie requirement was in excess of 14 percent and 16 percent in the case of north and south transects, respectively. Furthermore, the multiple linear analysis of factors influencing food security showed that, family size, land holding, per capita income and dummy for north transect were found significant. As expected, the family size was negatively associated with food security. To conclude, the study revealed the existence of food insecurity to a certain extent and suggests the need for the strengthening of existing food security programmes besides creating awareness among households to diversify their production, income and consumption attitudes.
Keywords:Consumption pattern and expenditure,
calorie intake, food security, multiple regression analysis, rural-urban interfaceJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2020
Volume: 18
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 27-35
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