Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Analysis of cassava farmers’ revenue who were innovation participants in Ogun State, Nigeria: 2016-2018
Raufu O. Sanusi,
Bidemi O. Ajibola, Azeez O. Ibrahim, Edwin I. Isegbe, Busola O. Ajayi, Oluwole O. Oke, Roseline M. Adebayo, Augustine S. AjibadeRecieved Date: 2020-07-20, Accepted Date: 2020-09-22
Abstract:The net revenue from an activity is obtained by subtracting the cash expenses incurred in production from the gross revenue. Gross revenue is the sum of all receipts from the sale of a crop. This study was carried out in Ogun State, Nigeria (latitude 7o 00N and longitude 3o 35E) to analyse the revenue of cassava growers who were involved in improved practices. A simple random sampling technique was adopted in selection of 336 farmers from the study area. Data were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, budgetary technique as well as a Chow test. Results showed that there was steady increase in revenue until it reached the peak. Thereafter, it fell below the zero line into the negative. Also, all (100%) of the participants had formal education and belonged to a farmers’ association. The average farm size was 1.64 hectares.
production, sale, profitability, participants, budgetary technique, associationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2020
Volume: 18
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 112-116
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