Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Consumer behavior towards buying organic food
Mrunmayee Joglekar,
Kalpana JadhavAbstract:
Organic food market is rising nowadays. Consumer behavior towards organic food purchase was studied and described in this paper. Consumer survey was conducted by convenient sampling for understanding buying behavior towards organic farm produce through online and offline mode. Questionnaire designed to know consumer preferences and purchase behavior towards organic food. Of consumers 70% would prefer buying organic over conventional if made available. Many consumers reported that organic food tastes different and better which was mentioned in subjective answers. However, they feel organic food items are costlier than conventional. Results show less awareness about organic certification rather prefer buying from familiar or well known farm producers or grocery shops. While trying to find out reasons of consumer preferences towards organic purchase, they feel that organic foods are nutrient rich and believed to be chemical free. Socio-economic status and education also affects organic purchases. Overall it is positive trend towards rise of organic food market despite high cost.
Keywords:Organic food,
consumer preferences, consumer behavior, organic cereals and legumesJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 34-37
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