Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Polluted soil rehabilitation using genetically engineered mix microbial inoculum
N. S. Isinguzo 1,
O. S. Bello 2*Recieved Date: 2004-12-12, Accepted Date: 2005-03-22
Abstract:Every natural system is self purifying. This is made possible by the diverse micro- and macroflora and -fauna in soils. Bacteria and fungi constitute the greatest population in soils implying that in the case of pollution, microbes are the major agents of purification.
A study was carried out in situ with Nigerian crude oil (Bonny light) in polluted teak soil using axenic cultures of bacteria and fungi, a mix culture of bacteria and fungi and a mixed culture of genetically engineered bacteria (Bacillus sp.) and a fungus (Aspergillus niger). The ability to degrade crude oil was measured directly (spectrophotometrically) by oil disappearance and indirectly by the amount of CO2 produced in a controlled environment.
Results showed that mixed cultures of the isolated bacteria and fungi degraded the crude oil in the teak soil better than axenic cultures by about 85% over a month period. This is a reduction of the pollution to less than 15%, while the genetically engineered mix culture (mutant Bacillus sp. and Asp. niger) degraded crude oil in a similar soil and condition by 99.3% over the same period, thus reducing pollution to less than 1% and can be applied in bioremediation.
Polluted soil,
rehabilitation, genetic engineering, mixed microbial cultureJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2005
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 299-301
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