Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Influence of potassium fertilizer on the yield of plantain-melon intercropped on an Oxic Paleustalf in Southwestern Nigeria
A. O. Olaleye 1*,
S. O. S. Akinyemi 2, Hassan Tijani-Eniola 3, G. E. Akinbola 3, F. O. Odeleye 4, S. A. Oladosu 2, B. A. Gambo 5Recieved Date: 2005-04-10, Accepted Date: 2005-09-27
Abstract:An on-farm experiment was conducted on an Oxic Paleustalf (Ferric Luvisol) in southwestern Nigeria in 1993 and 1995 seasons. Aim was to determine optimum K fertilization for these crops and to determine most economic fertilizer rate. A randomised complete block design with four replications was adopted. Fertilizer was applied at the rates of K 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg ha -1 and a control. Results showed that the following attributes: number of hands and fingers bunch-1, mean length of plantain bunch as well as mean bunch and total bunch weight responded significantly (p<0.05) to K applied and maximum yield were obtained at K 360 kg ha-1 in both cropping seasons. Optimum fertilization for melon was K 240 kg ha-1. Results of the partial budgeting method for the intercrop at different K fertilization applied were N 10,000 (or $384.60) in 1993 and N 6,700 ($ 257.69) in 1995 cropping seasons.
Nigeria, on-farm, Oxic PaleUstalf, plantain, potassiumJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2005
Volume: 3
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 89-91
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