Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of harvest dates and forced-air cooling on postharvest quality of apricot cv. Precoce de Tyrinthe
Tayfun Ağar 1,
Sevgi Paydaş 1, Orhan Büyükalaca 2, Okan Özkaya 1, Fırat Ekinci 2, Ferhan Küçükbasmacı Sabır 1*Recieved Date: 2005-12-11, Accepted Date: 2006-03-30
Abstract:Effect of harvest dates and forced-air cooling on postharvest quality and physiology of apricot cv Precoce de Tyrinthe were investigated. Apricots were harvested at 2 maturity stages: minimum maturity (MI: 9% SSC, orange color except suture), ideal harvest maturity (MII: 10% SSC, completely orange color). Within a few hours after harvest, half of the fruits of each maturity stage were placed at a cold room at 0-1°C and 90% RH a) for room cooling, b) the other half was forced-air cooled at 600 cfm. All apricots were stored at 0°C for 7 d and than transferred to 20°C (shelf-life) for up to 8 d. Another group of apricots were placed at 20°C right after harvest to observe the shelf-life. Apricots were analyzed for fruit firmness, SSC, titratable acidity, color (hue angle), respiration and weight loss and evaluated for taste. Apricots from the two maturity stages benefited from forced-air cooling (FAC) at 0°C. FAC increased the shelf-life and appearance of apricots from MI and MII when compared to room cooling at 0°C. 7/8 cooling time of forced-air cooled apricots ranged between 86 min. (fastest) to 225 min. (slowest) compared to 431 min. measured in room cooling. Apricots could be forced-air cooled to 0°C and then they could be transported for a period of 7d in a refrigerated truck and still maintains their quality even after additional 6-8 d shelf-life at 20°C.
forced-air cooling, postharvest qualityJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2006
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 107-108
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