Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The market factor in the processing of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) in Ghana
M. Aggey 1,
Y. Amoah 1, R. J. Bani 2Recieved Date: 2007-04-10, Accepted Date: 2007-07-27
Abstract:Local industrial tomato processing in Ghana remains insignificant in the mist of perennial tomato glut in the Upper East region of Ghana. A basis for processing decision making has been provided using exploratory research techniques to review tomato consumption, market segmentation and structure, production surpluses, prices and buying process of fresh and paste tomato. Fresh tomato surplus projects at 23,000 to 118,000 t p a (2000-2007) though actual glut period is short, occurring from February to March when 92 percent of farmers harvest, and traders use hedging tactics to avoid tomato spoiling on their hand. With the short glut period, large-scale processing requires planning and investment in semi- processed or cold storage facility, integrated project with cultivation of tomato variety suitable for harsh lean season climatic conditions and production staggering to prolong harvesting. Projected paste from surplus produce exceeds catchments area market, yet access is in competition with established brands such as Salsa, La bianca, Bonito, Tomaroma and Obaapa. Processing could target a paste market of 2,000-3,000 t, requiring 16,470 t fresh tomato, at a processing capacity of 2.3 t per hour, 24 hour-day and for 300 days p a, with plans for future expansion. This study was conducted in the last quarter of 2002.
Keywords:Tomato consumption,
market segmentation and structure, production surplus, price, buying process, fresh and paste tomatoJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2007
Volume: 5
Issue: 3&4
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 12-16
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