Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Production and partial characterization of food grade breadfruit acetylated starch
B. Daramola 1*,
G. O. Adegoke 1Recieved Date: 2007-02-07, Accepted Date: 2007-04-11
Abstract:The necessity to develop and enhance the value of alternative sources of starch in Nigeria in order to boost import substitution of specialty starches serve as impetus to this study. Starch was isolated from mature green breadfruit and acetylated using three types of alkalizing reagents at two temperature regimes. Extent of modification was appraised by evaluation of pasting properties and some physicochemical properties of the breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) acetylated starch in comparison to the native starch samples. Breadfruit acetylated starches were characterized with high (496.95–860.25 RVU) peak viscosities compared to low (495.75RVU) peak viscosity of the native starch. The modified starch showed higher positive set back viscosities (164.42–223.08 RVU) in comparison to the lower positive setback viscosity of the native starch (+147.75RVU), acetyl content (0.688–3.784%), degree of substitution (D.S.) (0.0261– 0.1480) and pH (4.18–4.88) of the modified starches being within the range stipulated by law. Correlation exists between physicochemical properties such as pH, acetyl content, D.S. and paste clarity, and regression equations were established within limits of investigation. The product may find application in food systems as functional starch additive.
starch, alkaline pre-treatment, acetylation, pasting propertiesJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2007
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 50-54
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