Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Maize yield and soil property responses to Entada abyssinica (Steud. ex A. Rich.) cuttings in the Adamawa Lowlands, Cameroon
Brian M. Satterlee 1,
Martin Yemefack 2, Blair D. Orr 1*Recieved Date: 2008-09-03, Accepted Date: 2008-12-08
Abstract:Entada abyssinica (Steud. ex A. Rich) is abundant and well recognized in the Ngaoundéré area of northeast Adamawa Province, Cameroon, where swidden systems are practiced. Maize yield and soil chemical properties were analyzed from a two-factor block trial. The purpose was to determine the effects of E. abyssinica leaves used as green manure. The two factors were the amount of plant leaves applied and the application technique. Other than the two factors, the trial used current local farming methods. Maize yield showed significant increase when 2.50 kg cuttings were mixed with the soil, attributable to faster leaf decomposition and nutrient availability in the maize root zone. There was no significant increase in total nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium or sodium in the 0-20 cm layer of soil. Mixing resulted in significant increases in soil organic matter, potassium and other soil fertility indicators. Higher quantities of the plant biomass significantly increased soil organic matter, base saturation and soil pH. The reduced acidity made soil nutrients more readily available. The interaction between application method and cutting methods showed significant increases for sum of bases, cation exchange capacity and base saturation, while magnesium showed a significant decrease. Using this abundant plant, farmers in the Adamawa Lowlands area can significantly increase maize yields for home consumption or sale beginning with the first year of application.
Entada abyssinica (Steud. ex A. Rich), mixing, mulching, organic matter, farm systems, soil properties, green manure, Cameroon, maize, agroforestryJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2009
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 192-196
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