Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Formulation of a liquid medium with wheat bran for the production of laccase by Trametes versicolor in an air-lift bioreactor
João V.B. Souza 1*,
Érica S. Silva 2, José R.P. Cavallazzi 3, Agostinho da S. Sobrinho 4Recieved Date: 2009-08-18, Accepted Date: 2010-01-02
Abstract:The aim of this work was to formulate a liquid medium with wheat bran for the production of Trametes versicolor laccase in an air-lift bioreactor. Uni- variated experiments were carried out in order to optimize the contents of CuSO4 (0-2 mM), glucose (0-50 g/L), peptone (0-25 g/L) and fermentation parameters as pH (3-7), inoculum (40-360 mycelium plugs/L) and aeration (0-1 v/v/m). After the optimization an optimized experimentwas accomplished (pH 3, inoculum of 40 mycelium plugs/L, CuSO4 concentration of 1.2 mM, 10 g/L of peptone and the aeration of 0.5 vvm) in an air- lift reactor. The highest activity (32,000 UI/L) was reached in the 10th experimental day.
enzyme production, air-lift bioreactorJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Category: Environment
Pages: 394-396
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