Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Public health implications of sewage ponds in Kano metropolis, Nigeria
M. D. Mukhtar *,
I. I. Indabawa, T. S. ImamRecieved Date: 2009-12-20, Accepted Date: 2010-04-07
Abstract:The urban closed settle zone, Kano metropolis, Nigeria (12°N, 8.5°-8.75°E), is one of the oldest but growing and densely populated cities in Nigeria. That scenario leads to waste disposal and/or its management pressure whose magnitude needs to be assessed from time to time for public health interest. It is partly for this reason that the present document was reported. This was with the aim of identifying the current issues concerning the public health implication of sewage ponds in Kano. The paper gathered that several workers established that ponds containing a large volume of water are scattered around Kano metropolis. The pressure of population explosion that necessitated excavating land for building material as well as for sewage disposal caused it. This leads to injection of domestic and even industrial effluents containing a large quantity of solid and chemical waste products, which converts them into ugly and dirty sites with chasing odour. The site also serves as breeding ground for many disease vectors like snails for schistosomiasis (Bilharzias) and Fasciola hepatitis in sheep and cattle. Mosquito, which transmit malaria, filarial worms and yellow fever are also not uncommon. Pathogenic microbes such as enterobacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses are also transmitted. Toxic chemicals and plant (algal) toxins are also cultured in these ponds. This might be partly responsible for many epidemic explosions of various grades. The public health hazard ranged from physical incapacitation or disability to death in some cases. There is a disastrous effect on the people due to disease. The presence of sewage ponds in the city poses real threat to public health. However, efforts are being put at individual, societal and government levels to curtail the menace. The economic stand of the inhabitants should, however, be boosted in any attempt to educate them toward achieving the desired goal. Scientific research should be encouraged and referred to for any meaningful action on environmental and public health. At present, the state is creating awareness through television, radio and public lectures against dangerous infections which have a forbearing with dirty environment. In addition, some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as the Youth Society for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Social Vices (YOSPIS) based in Kano, the medicines Sans France (MSF) the WHO, TDR and the UNDP are actively assisting the Kano State Government in this regard.
ponds, public health, Nigeria, sewageJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2010
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 25-31
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