Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Vol 9, Issue 2,2011
Online ISSN: 1459-0263
Print ISSN: 1459-0255

Changes in leaf proline and fruit production induced by potassium stress in eggplant


Douglas José Marques 1*, Fernando Broetto 2, Ernani Clarete da Silva 3, Joze Melisa Nunes de Freitas 4, Allan Klynger da Silva Lobato 4, Gustavo Antonio Ruffeil Alves 4

Recieved Date: 2011-01-24, Accepted Date: 2011-04-07


The aim of this study was to investigate (i) the influence of potassium stress through two potassium fertilizer (KCl and K2SO4) treatments over leaf proline and fruit production in eggplant, as well as (ii) the modifications in electrical conductivity of soil. The experiment design used was factorial scheme with randomized blocks, 2 potassium sources (KCl and K2SO4) combined with 4 levels of K2O (250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha-1). The highest fruit production was obtained with K2O 500 kg ha-1 using KCl compared to K2SO4 with an average electrical conductivity of 2.76 and 2.16 dS m-1. In this study it was observed that excessive level of KCl and K2SO4 as K2O 1000 kg ha-1 resulted in decrease of fruit production and increase of proline concentration in leaves of the eggplant.


Solanum melongena, mineral stress, potassium, proline

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 191-194

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