Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Evaluation of a water-saving superabsorbent polymer for forage oat (Avena sativa L.) production in arid regions of northern China
M. Robiul Islam 1, 2,
A. M. Shahidul Alam 2, A. Egrinya Eneji 3, Changzhong Ren 1, 4, Weijun Song 1, Yuegao Hu 1*Recieved Date: 2011-02-08, Accepted Date: 2011-04-09
Abstract:Oat is a promising forage crop in arid northern China where increased land degradation and shortage of forage resources for animal production during winter have accentuated the need for alternative forage crops. Our objective was to determine the growth, biomass production, grain yield and quality of oat (Avena sativa L.) using different rates (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1) of superabsorbent polymer in northern China. Baiyan 7 (B7), a forage producing hulled oat was cultivated for two seasons (early, with limited irrigation and late, under rain-fed conditions) in the year 2008. Total precipitation was 278.5 mm during the early season (1st May to 31st July) and only 156.2 mm in the late season (11th July to 12th October). The above- ground biomass increased significantly in both early (87.3%) and late (54.1%) season crops with the application of superabsorbent polymer at 60 kg ha-1. The below-ground biomass, grain yield, number of panicles and tiller fertility rates as well as relative water content, crude protein content and relative feed value were also increased. The optimum application rate of the superabsorbent polymer in the study area was 60 kg ha-1; other rates were neither sufficient nor economical. Forage quantity and quality differed little with season. The use of superabsorbent polymer could be an effective means for forage production under the arid conditions of northern China.
sandy soil, superabsorbent polymer, forage quality, northern ChinaJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 514-518
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