Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
An analysis of employees’ attitude toward selected organizational climate factors following reorganization: The case of the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS)
Terrence Thomas *,
Cihat Gunden, Tongzhe LiRecieved Date: 2011-01-20, Accepted Date: 2011-04-02
Abstract:In this paper, we use ordered logistic regression models to investigate the role of organizational climate factors (work environment) that affect Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) employees’ perception of the agency’s reorganization effort. Reorganization is an effort by the agency to adapt to an increasingly complex, dynamic and demanding task environment in order to provide timely and efficient service to its clients. In this study, we argue that employees’ perception of organization climate or process variables shape their behaviour and ultimately their performance. Therefore, employees’ reaction to changes in organizational process or climate variables is critical to the success of the agency’s efforts to respond to its evolving task environment. This study reports on employees’ perception of three organizational process variables: NRCS rewards creativity and innovative activity, reinvention as an important priority for NRCS and NRCS provides training when new technologies are introduced. Data from a random sample of 643 NRCS employees suggest that (1) employees with favourable view of leadership are more likely to have a positive perception that NRCS will reward creativity and innovation; (2) employees with a favourable view of the use of teams in accomplishing the organization’s goal are more likely to agree that NRCS has made reinvention an important priority and (3) employees with a favourable view of NRCS’s efforts to train employees to meet job requirements are more likely to agree that NCRS will provide employees with training when new technologies and tools are introduced into the organization. These results suggest that NRCS will improve its capacity to respond to a complex and dynamic environment by strengthening its approach to team work, training and leadership.
Keywords:Employees’ perception of innovation,
ordered logistic regression, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2011
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 519-524
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